Join Us
INDIVIDUALLY…If you are a Pastor or Church leader that is in the process of leading your church toward affiliation, but your church is not ready, you are invited to be part of STBA.
DUALLY…You can continue to participate with your present association and be a part of the STBA at the same time. We’re not asking anyone to sever any relationships. We’re saying that if you agree with the SBC theologically, you will want to be a part of a group of believers that walk together in like mind.
UNIQUELY…The STBA is recognized by the Southern Baptists of Texas State Convention and the SBC and are in full cooperation with each other. The STBA has the authority to meet every need through any mission agency of the SBC and we have full support of the Southern Baptists of Texas State Convention.
1. This association is on record as believing the Bible to be inerrant, infallible, and 100% true. Is yours?
2. Fellowship – Pastors and people alike need fellowship with people who support their denomination and faith. We are in a partnership with the Southern Baptist of Texas. We support the Southern Baptist Convention, its 6 Seminaries, Lifeway publishing, and The Baptist Faith & Message 2000. Is your Association on record in support of these entities…. or distancing themselves from our denomination?
3. Ministry – When folk are in agreement theologically, and in fellowship the natural result is ministry. The Association will serve you and your church as a resource agent to support the local church. We have no time for politics, but plenty of time to encourage and aid churches of all sizes in ministry projects.