Director of Missions

Pastor-Hunt-WebSoutheast Texas Baptist Area Association is a network of Southern Baptist committed to work together in an effort to follow the Great Commandment and fulfill the Great Commission. Our churches are primarily located in the Golden Triangle area of Texas.

A seminary professor once asked a question of some international students, “What do you understand the term ‘Fellowship’ to mean?” There was a moment of silence and one finally said, “Fellows in the same ship?” Now, isn’t that even more true than what we usually think of “Fellowship?”! I hope as you think of Southeast Texas Baptist Area, it’s in the light of this unique definition….that we are here together…..serving Christ and one another like we are in the same ship depending on one another and working together to bring God glory and honor!!

Jesus was once asked, “What is the greatest Commandment?” His reply was that we are to love the Lord our God with all that we are. Folks, that’s God’s desire for FELLOWSHIP with us!! He went on to say that the second commandment was similar… love our neighbor as much as we love ourself. Sounds to me like FELLOWSHIP with one another. Ultimately we are to follow the Great Commission — to go into the world with the message of Christ. Now, doesn’t that sound like a command to bring others into FELLOWSHIP with our Lord?

I invite you to come and fellowship with us we build the Kingdom of God in Southeast Texas.

Charles Hunt
Director of Missions