of the
Southern Baptists of Southeast Texas (SBSET)
Article I. Elected Officers
Section I. Moderator
A. The moderator shall be an ex-officio member of all SBSET committees, boards and agencies.
B. The moderator may call special meetings with the concurrence of the majority of the other officers of the SBSET and a majority of the Executive Board.
C. The moderator shall work with the Committee on Committees to appoint members to serve on the annual convention committees as outlined in Article III of these bylaws.
D. The moderator, in conference with the vice-moderator, shall select a chief parliamentarian and assistant parliamentarians, as necessary, to advise the presiding officers of the SBSET on matters of parliamentary procedure.
E. The moderator shall appoint members to the Committee on Committees as outlined in Article III, Section 2 of these bylaws.
F. The moderator, assisted by the vice-moderator, shall preside over the annual session of the SBSET
Section 2. Vice-Moderator
A. The vice-moderator, may in the absence of the moderator or when requested by the moderator, preside over the SBSET and shall perform other duties requested by the moderator, in so doing may act in his stead with the full privileges of his office.
B. The vice-moderator shall serve on the Committee on Committees.
Section 3 Recording Secretary
A. The recording secretary shall keep a record of all proceedings of the SBSET. These records shall be stored in fireproof safes, vaults, or files.
B. The recording secretary shall receive copies of reports and recommendations to the SBSET from all committees, boards and agencies, three months prior to the annual meeting for publication in the annual book of reports.
C. The recording secretary shall serve on the Committee on Committees.
Section 4 Treasurer
A. Treasurer shall receive all income and deposit it into the bank.
B. Treasurer shall pay all expenses that are due in a timely fashion.
C. Treasurer shall keep accurate records of all income and expenses.
D. Treasurer shall give a report to the Executive Board for unions and expenses.
E. Treasurer shall serve on the Committee on Committees.
Article II. Executive Board
Section 1. Membership
A. The Executive Board of the association shall be composed of the senior pastor, two (2) members, and one (1) member per fifty of church membership up to maximum of five (5) members from each affiliated church.
B. The Associational Missionary of the SBSET and the officers of the association shall be considered ex-officio members of the Executive Board.
Section 2. Election
Each year the affiliated churches of the association shall nominate one person, in addition to their senior pastor, to serve on the Executive Board to the association for their election at the annual meeting.
Section 3. Term of Office
The term of office for the members of the Board shall be perpetual as long as they are properly approved by their church to serve as an Executive Board member, and continue to support the constitution and bylaws of the SBSET.
Section 4. Meetings
The Board shall hold four (4) meetings per year and any other such special meetings as the Associational Missionary and Moderator of the association may deem necessary provided due notification has been given to all the members of the Board.
Quarterly meetings shall be on the first (1st) Tuesday of the first month of each new quarter of the year. Annual meeting will be held in January.
Section 5. Quorum
A quorum shall consist of the membership of the board present, provided due notification has been given as stated in Section IV.
Section 6. Organization
The Executive Board shall organize itself to carry out the work of the association, as it deems necessary.
Section 7. Duties
A. The Executive Board shall be the fiduciary, fiscal and executive agency of the association in all of its affairs not specifically committed to another board, agency or committee of the association.
B. The Board is empowered to act for the association in all areas of the association’s work between annual meetings of the association, but may not act contrary to or reverse any action of the association.
C. The Board shall make a full report of the work of the association at its annual session.
D. The Board shall recommend to the association the annual program of the work of the association along with its supporting budget and calendar.
Section 8. Officers
A. The Executive Board shall elect from within its membership a chairman, a vice-chairman, and a recording secretary.
B. They shall be elected by the Board at its first meeting following the annual meeting of the convention.
C. They shall serve for no more than (2) consecutive years.
D. Should a vacancy occur, the Board shall fill the office at its next meeting.
Section 9. Executive Committee
A. The Associational Board officers shall serve as the Executive Committee officers.
B. The Associational Missionary of the SBSET shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee of the Executive Board.
Section 10. Sub-committee
A. The Executive Board shall have the authority to divide itself into sub-committees for the purpose of carrying out their business.
B. Each sub-committee may meet as needed to accomplish their tasks as assigned by the Executive Board and shall be responsible to the Board for final approval and execution of any and all of their tasks.
Section 11. Termination
A. Should any member miss two consecutive meetings of the board without giving advance notification to the office of the Associational Missionary, the member shall be considered to have resigned.
B. Any member may also be removed for any of the following reasons:
1. Failure to adhere to and uphold the principles set forth in the doctrinal statement as laid out in this constitution and bylaws.
2. Failure to comply with official directives and established regulation of the SBSET;
3. Immorality, use of illegal drugs, or drunkenness;
4. Conviction of any felony or other crime involving moral turpitude;
5. Failure to pay debts;
6. Any other indiscretion that would bring public reproach upon the SBSET.
Such termination shall be by a majority vote of the Executive Board.
Article III. Committees
Section I. Committee on Committees
A. The Committee on Committee shall be composed of no more than 12 members.
B. Committee members shall serve for a period of four years. The four-year terms shall be staggered such that each year the moderator shall appoint 1/4 of the membership of the committee.
C. This committee shall also work with the moderator to appoint members to serve on association committees as deemed necessary.
D. This committee shall also be responsible to periodically review and recommend necessary changes to the job descriptions of association committees, and to bring as they deem necessary recommendations to the Executive Board for the forn1ation of additional committees.
Article IV. Financial considerations
Section I. Treasurer
The Executive Board shall have the responsibility of securing a Treasurer and stewardship committee for the purpose of the proper disbursement of funds.
Section 2. Funds
A. All funds contributed to the SBSET shall be placed in their respective accounts – either designated or undesignated – under the general oversight of the treasurer/stewardship committee, Associational Missionary, and the Executive Board for accounting, receipt and disbursement.
B. The formula for disbursement shall be governed by the annual budget approved at the annual session.
Section 3. Compensation
All of the paid staff positions shall have a reasonable compensation package recommended by the Executive Board and approved at the annual session.
Section 4. Reimbursements
All officers and members of the committees, boards, trustees, and agencies of the SBSET will serve on a volunteer basis and therefore will not be compensated for their service.
Section 5. Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the SBSET shall begin January 1st and end December 31st of each year.
Section 6. Audit
The stewardship committee shall do an annual audit of the financial records of the association of the preceding year.
Section 7. Debt
Believing that God will provide for all of the needs of the association in His perfect time and according to His good will and pleasure, the SBSET will not incur any Associational debt.
Article V. General Provisions
Section I. Association Year
The association year will begin and end at the closing of the annual session each year.
Section 2. Equal Rights, Privileges and Responsibilities
A. Every affiliated church or individual in the SBSET shall have equal rights, privileges and responsibilities under the authority of its Article of Incorporation Constitution and Bylaws.
B. Recognizing the autonomy of other bodies, the association will exert no authority over any church, association, or convention.
C. Should any of these bodies depart from the doctrine or practices of the association, the association may rescind their affiliation from the SBSET after due consideration and attempts at reconciliation.
Section 3. Historical
The association shall provide for collection and storage of historical documents and other articles to chronicle the startup and operation of this body.
Article VI. Amendments
These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the messengers present at any session of any regular annual meeting provided the proposed amendment was submitted in writing one year before being voted on, or provided the amendments was recommended by the Executive Board and published in the association newsletter three months prior to the annual meeting.