Associations are formed for ministry. Every Southern Baptist Church is autonomous and independent, but the Association can serve as a catalyst and resource agent to support the local church in her mission to carry out the Great Commission. We can do some things together in ministry which one church cannot do along. When you are in agreement theologically, and in fellowship with one another, ministry is a natural result.
EVANGELISM to us simply means, “one beggar telling another beggar where to find bread”.
We have found that a relationship with the living Lord Jesus is more real and vital than anything else in our lives. He loves us, sustains us, comforts us and guides us. Why wouldn’t we want to share that with others?
If you have never come to know this love relationship with Jesus, please contact us. We would be glad to tell you how you can meet our Savior. He has stated in His word that whoever seeks Him shall find Him.
We can recommend a church home to you. All of our churches want to reach out to share Jesus.
FELLOWSHIP – There is a great need for pastors and people to know that there are others that are praying for them, supporting them, and are of like mind. The SETBA is a part of the Southern Baptists of Texas and the Southern Baptist Convention. We support the conservative trend in the SBC, along with our 6 SBC seminaries, Lifeway Publishing, The Baptist Faith and Message 2000, International Mission Board, North American Mission Board, and the other agencies of the SBC.
Other Associations will not make open statements regarding their support, primarily because it would offend some of their churches who do not support the seminaries or various agencies of the Southern Baptist Convention. Some are even taking all references to the Southern Baptist Convention out of their Constitutions and By-Laws. We make no apology for our fellowship and partnership with the Southern Baptist convention or Southern Baptists of Texas State Convention.
MISSIONS – SETBA churches are involved in missions efforts at home and abroad. Each church has developed its own missions outreach as well as joining together to more effectively do missions. Teams from SETBA churches have gone in to help churches in other countries to build churches, parsonages, camp facilities, etc. We have done Vacation Bible Schools, Crusades, door to door outreach, and are currently in the process of obtaining facilities to train pastors in Mexico.
If you have a desire to minister in a foreign country chances are we can connect you to a church that has a ministry in that country.